WDM Magazine Issue 19
West Des Moines residents should receive Issue 19 of the WDM Magazine in mailboxes this week. The issue includes a recap of summer events, an article on our Traffic Operations Center, important notices and information from the Public Works and Police Departments, some features on Valley Junction, and more.
As usual, the issue includes a pull-out Parks and Recreation guide and programming information for the Library and Human Services departments. The Human Rights Commission has included a short survey they'd like residents to tear out and send back to gauge opinions & experiences related to human rights in West Des Moines.
I'm pleased to report that the WDM Magazine recently won an award--specifically, the Bronze Award for Best Government Publication from the 2009 Magnum Opus Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Custom Media. The Magnum Opus awards are given by ContentWise in conjunction with the Missouri School of Journalism and McMurry Publishing. This is the second award the magazine has won in the last couple years - in 2007 it received a Savvy Award from 3CMA, the City/County Communications and Marketing Association.