Human Services - in the Suburbs
It's clear how the economic shift we've experienced over the last couple years has affected some municipal services - our Department of Human Services, for example, has witnessed a big leap in need, mostly from new clients who have never had to seek help before. A recent article in Governing Magazine about poverty in suburban America addresses just that, as well as other unique challenges suburban cities face in helping those in need. Although the article presents some sad truths, it also makes me feel fortunate that we have an established city Human Services department that was able to meet our increased challenges head-on when the economic decline began. I have heard our Human Services staff comment on many of the same issues mentioned in the article.
It also reminds me to again thank those who sponsored or attended our latest Human Services fundraiser, Sunday Supper in Our Town, which raised over $45,000 that will directly benefit our low-income, elderly, and disabled residents. If you have a moment, please take a look at this list of sponsors and thank anyone you know associated with the event.
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