Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Welcome Charles Schneider to the West Des Moines City Council! Charles was sworn in to his Second Ward Council Seat on November 8, 2007. View more information about Charles on the City Council/Biographies page of www.wdm-ia.com

See a video of the swearing in below.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Have you signed up for CodeRED? This is an emergency notification system you can register for on the City's website at http://www.wdm-ia.com/. It's an extremely fast way for Westcom, our emergency dispatch center in West Des Moines, Urbandale, and Clive, to get the word out regarding emergencies in our area. The button looks like this (clicking on the button will also take you to the Code Red sign up):

CodeRED uses a unique Internet mapping capability to geographically target blocks, neighborhoods, cities, or regions depending on where the emergency takes place. A high speed telephone calling system delivers pre-recorded messages to homes and businesses (including answering machines) as fast as 60,000 calls per hour. Clearly, the ability to deliver information that quickly is vital in the event of natural disasters, missing children, safety alerts, and other hazardous situations. It allows our emergency management personnel to record the information you will need right away and get it to the affected areas immediately.
It's a very secure system, and any information you enter is safe and will be used only for this purpose. We know our emergency responders are working hard to protect us on a daily basis, and this tool helps them safeguard us better.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

What do you like about West Des Moines?

As we undergo a redesign process for our new website, we've been thinking a lot about what we like about our City. Words like parks, green space, and vibrant development have come to mind. We are collecting a list of adjectives or specific nouns that describe West Des Moines. I'd love your input at citymanager@wdm-ia.com or in this comment space as well.

What makes you proud of living or working here? What things about our City will attract visitors? How can we convey what it means to be a resident of West Des Moines to someone through the Internet?