Use the VJ Shuttle
Tomorrow night we begin offering shuttling service from the Hillside/Walnut Creek campus in the 700-800 blocks of Eighth Street to the intersection of 5th and Maple for the Farmers Market and Music in the Junction events.
We'll have two shuttles running using vehicles from the WDM Human Services Department. They'll run from 4 pm to 9 pm, and each vehicle that parks in the lot will receive a $5 "voucher of appreciation" for trying it out that can be used at the vendors and merchants who participate in the Farmers Market. It's a short route, so there shouldn't be much of a wait, and it will really help to open some spots up outside the immediate area of the events.
We'll continue the shuttle service, as well as the voucher program, through the rest of the 2009 Farmers Market season (October 1). I hope you try it out. There are a lot of great reasons to go down to Valley Junction on Thursday nights, and it's important that we work to lessen the impacts of these events so that they can continue in a positive light.
If we all focus on being good neighbors to those who live in the area around 5th Street and finding a parking spot that is legal, safe, and doesn't inconvenience someone else in the area or just use the shuttle, the events will be more enjoyable for everyone.