Leading the Way to Sustainability
The City of West Des Moines recently directed some of our Curb It! Revenue Sharing funds toward sponsorship of the Center on Sustainable Communities Building a Sustainable Iowa Workshop. The events taking place here in West Des Moines at the Raccoon River Park Nature Lodge include an Advanced Building Workshop and a leadership forum.
I think that the leadership forum will be an exceptional opportunity for area individuals, businesses, government entities, and organizations to dialogue about our current efforts and how we can make more progress toward sustainability in Central Iowa. The City of West Des Moines will have staff in attendance.
Here is the description of the forum from the COSC website:
"As Iowa’s leading resource on sustainable building education, COSC is conducting a Leadership Forum with Marc Richmond for Iowa’s business leaders, community leaders, state agency leaders, and policy makers. The session will define the key components of sustainable building and illustrate strategies for building sustainable communities based on national models. "
9:45 am Registration, Networking
10:00 am Welcome by Kevin Nordmeyer, New Director of the Iowa Energy Center
10:10 am What exactly is Green Building and Sustainable Design . . .
and why is it important to you?
11:00 am Where are we in Iowa?
12:00 am Luncheon
12:30 pm How do we move forward effectively?
1:30 pm Open Discussion and Wrap-up
I would encourage any Greater Des Moines community leader to consider signing up. I know that our staff members look forward to participating in the conversation.