As you've undoubtedly heard if you live in Iowa, the Smoke Free Air Act went into effect on July 1. The law's purpose “is to reduce the level of exposure by the general public and employees to environmental tobacco smoke in order to improve the public health of Iowans.”
This law prohibits smoking in public places, buildings, and “any outdoor area under the control of state government or its political subdivisions.” To be thorough, smoking is not allowed in outdoor sports arenas, stadiums, amphitheaters, designated seating areas of outdoor entertainment venues during public gatherings, outdoor seating or serving areas of restaurants, public transportation stations, platforms and shelters, school grounds, and the grounds of public buildings.
Although the Department of Public Health is still working out some details that will dictate enforcement of the Act, the City of West Des Moines is taking steps to work with employees and citizens affected by the new law. The City already had a tobacco-free policy for City facilities and city-owned vehicles, but will now, among other things, work to make the grounds adjacent to our public facilities smoke-free. That includes posting signs on buildings and in city vehicles.
Additional information about this new law, including FAQs, can be found at: City is doing its part to help employees with their addiction to tobacco. We have an employee certified through the Iowa Lung Association to facilitate Smoking Cessation Courses. We are also offering assistance with physical addictions by adding Nicotine Replacement Therapy prescriptions into the prescription drug plan effective July 1. QUITLINE IOWA also offers phone counseling, free smoking cessation information, referrals and a two-week supply of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches or gum) at no cost for those who call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
Over the last year, we've really tried to put an emphasis on health and wellness at the City. In addition to our fitness facility program, which requires employees to work out at least 12 times per month in order to participate, we've been running a Get Fit with WDM motivational program for employee teams who compete to lose weight and get in exercise time. These activities, in addition to wellness screenings and smoking cessation groups, should help to give us a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce and potentially reduce insurance costs. We have chosen to take a proactive approach to health and wellness, and have seen other cities and private companies take similar steps. Our Wellness Committee is very active and has played an important role taking us down this path, which is both good for employees and smart for employers.