WDM Accidents in 2007
Our Police Department released their 2007 Accident Analysis report last week. Accident calls for service increased by 21.1% from 2006 to 2007 . The number of actual accident reports made increased 7.7%. There are a number of reasons why a report may not be made at an accident scene after a call for service. Typically, reports are only made in the case of personal injury, a hit and run, or damage estimated to be above $1000. Sometimes, the Police Department receives multiple calls for service for one accident, usually if there are several witnesses on the roadway, and only one report is made.
Given that, the Police Department focuses heavily on the locations where reportable accidents took place. The top ten intersections where reports were made are listed below, with the number of reports in parenthesis.
1. 101 Jordan Creek Parkway (34)
2. 1500 I-35 (33)
3. 2000 I-35 (22)
3. 1551 35th Street (19)
5. 1400 Jordan Creek Parkway (18)
6. 3500 University Avenue (15)
7. 3500 Westown Parkway (15)
8. 1400 22nd Street (13)
10. 800 I-235 (12)
10. 2200 Westown Parkway (12)
All 34 reportable accidents at 101 Jordan Creek Parkway happened in the parking lot or access road area at Jordan Creek Town Center. Twenty were hit/run or striking unattended vehicle incidents with no information left by the offenders. Given that JCTC had over 24 million visitors in 2007, the fact that 34 reportable accidents occured there is not surprising, and is probably low. What is interesting about this accident location is that a higher proportion of young drivers were involved than were involved in the other top locations, and more accidents occured on Wednesday than any other day of the week. Also, there were no injury accidents. Take a look at the graphs below.

Most of the other top intersections had more accidents on Friday or Saturday, and a more even balance among age of drivers.