WDM Named Best Municipal Recycling Program

Bret Hodne, Public Works Superintendent
Last Wednesday evening the Metro Waste Authority held it's annual Awards Recognition Dinner. At this event, the City of West Des Moines, represented by our Public Works department, was acknowledged for it's outstanding efforts in the area of recycling, and took home the award for Best Municipal Recycling Program. Public Works Superintendent Bret Hodne explained the award and the City's efforts to recycle at the subsequent Council meeting on Monday.

Best Municipal Recycling Award
Throughout the City buildings, employees recycle over one ton of materials per month. This includes not only paper but scrap metal, toner cartridges, motor oil and batteries. The MWA considers our strong "buy recycled" program one worth imitating. We were also recognized for the waste prevention practices of making double-sided copies, using reusable interoffice envelopes, reusing packaging containers and keeping mailing lists updated. The fact that each new employee's orientation includes an emphasis on recycling and how to do it was mentioned as well. Our Public Works building maintenance staff takes care of all our paper recycling and our mechanics do the oil.
We have a strong commitment to recycling and the efforts of our employees show it. They should be commended for their efforts.