Monday, October 06, 2008

An Unexpected Honor

Officer Chris Morgan and Chief O'Donnell with two Kavanagh House representatives.

In August, my office was contacted by the Hospice of Central Iowa's Kavanagh House regarding a West Des Moines police officer. Kavanagh House provides 24-hour care to individuals with life-limiting illnesses. In July, staff there contacted the West Des Moines police department for assistance with a patient. After our officer responded, staff were so impressed with his assistance they called and asked to have a brief presentation in his honor.

Although we receive many compliments regarding our employees, including police officers, it is less common for a business or organization to take time out of their day to come and thank the employee formally in person, in front of their peers and supervisors. That is exactly what staff from the Kavanagh House did for Officer Chris Morgan, who in their words was able to calm their agitated patient "while ensuring the individual's dignity and safety" that day in July. In thanks for de-escalating the situation and taking a cooperative approach to the ordeal, staff came to the Law Enforcement Center personally to present Officer Morgan with a certificate.

Although Officer Morgan was "just doing his job," this kind of recognition positively reinforces the best in our officers. Police Chief O'Donnell and I were very impressed that the Kavanagh House team went the extra mile to thank our officer and our city.


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