Balanced Scorecard Highlight
Now that we are well into 2007, the City has been evaluating its performance in 2006. As I mentioned in my post from May 19 of last year, the City utilizes a Balanced Scorecard performance management system for this purpose. I will use this forum to occasionally highlight one of our measures from our four different perspectives: Serve Customers, Manage Financial Resources, Improve Processes, and Support Employees.
The measure below is part of our strategy to Provide Sufficient Infrastructure. The measure is a composite of three questions of the Citizen Survey regarding maintenance of city streets, buildings, and facilities; the City’s stormwater management system; and flow of traffic congestion management. This measure is intended to gauge citizens’ satisfaction with the capacity of the City’s infrastructure and how it is maintained. As you can see, both maintenance of city streets, buildings, and facilities (7%) and traffic flow management (11%) received significant ratings increases in 2006, while stormwater management received a slight 2% decline. The traffic management number, especially, is important to us because citizens also rated it as the most important service for the City to provide.

As I noted previously, we created a Strategy Map to coordinate the City's measures that identifies the strategic themes of our organization, which can be found in the Balanced Scorecard Brochure on the homepage under Featured Items.
Here they have given the perspectives of balanced scorecards and the highlight of the same. It is very useful to get some idea of balanced scorecard. Nice.
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