Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Keep Iowa Beautiful

I'm sure most of you have heard about the Keep Iowa Beautiful campaign, but I want to reiterate how important it is for us all to contribute to this effort. If you’re like me, it’s not unusual to pull up behind a car and see people throw debris out their window. Well, now we can do something about it. As both an employee of the City and a proud resident, I have a stake in maintaining our community, and hopefully we can all utilize this new resource during the day or outside the workplace.

Beginning in October, residents can now phone in and report littering or illegal dumping as we see it. A 1-888-No Littr (665-4887) number has been established in conjunction with Iowa Network Services, the Iowa State Patrol, the Sheriffs and Deputies Association, the Iowa Police Executive Forum and Keep Iowa Beautiful. You can use this number to report littering, illegal dumping, find out how you can help take care of a particular area, and discover other ways you can participate in Keep Iowa Beautiful. If the driver is littering, they will simply be sent a letter asking them to stop and help make Iowa a more beautiful place. It’s a small thing, but it may make a difference. Thanks for your work in this vein.

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At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was my understanding that littering is against the law. Since when to we send a letter to people when they break the law asking them to stop. I have just witnessed a driver at an intersection dumping their entire ashtry on the pavement (I'll bet it was about 30 butts) and I was looking for an agency in WDM to report thier License plate. Anyone who would pull a stunt like this is not going to be the least bit influenced by a letter. If we can't impose a fine based on a private citizen report, then I say we research the ability to publish them in the paper or other public display letting their acts be known to the entire community.


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