2006 Citizen Survey Shows Excellent Progress!
Our third Citizen Survey with ETC Institute has been completed and a draft will soon be available on the Wire. After calling 400 residents of West Des Moines, ETC identified some interesting characteristics. For instance, 33% of those surveyed who now live in West Des Moines moved here from outside the state; 20% came from the City of Des Moines. One survey question that relates to us all in particular is a question regarding customer service. This year, overall satisfaction with the quality of customer service from City employees rose 5%, from 83% in 2004 to 87% in 2006. We scored the highest of any of the twenty cities we are benchmarked against in this category. This is also one of our Balanced Scorecard measures; see the graphic below.

This speaks well of our interaction with citizens—of course, we can always aim higher, but it is good to know we are at the top. We had the highest score in 38% of the benchmarked ratings, and we scored in the top quarter of cities in all but one of the 29 categories. You can view the final report's executive summary here or read through some analysis of the results here.
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