Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veterans Recognition Ceremony - November 16

Veterans Day is over but our recognition of veterans should never be.

In the spirit of this week, which was designed to promote veteran awareness, the City of West Des Moines will hold a recognition ceremony next Monday prior to the City Council Meeting. Mayor Gaer and the West Des Moines Police Department Color Guard will be part of a short official ceremony to thank those who have served. The rest of the hour will be an informal reception with refreshments, time to chat, and a group photograph. Kids in West Des Moines schools have even made cards for the veterans and a few will be in attendance to thank those who attend.

We hope to pay our respects to as many veterans residing in West Des Moines as possible. If you are a veteran, please consider attending this event. If you know a veteran in West Des Moines, please get word of this event to them. Those who think they'll attend can RSVP to 222-3610. We're also making transportation available through our Human Services Department - anyone interested in that can call Carmen at 222-3661.

The City Council will also issue a proclamation during the meeting honoring our City's veterans and thanking them for making the choice to live in West Des Moines at some point after their service.


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