Back to School!
As school begins, the City finds itself with a whole new set of responsibilities and opportunities. I'd like to mention a few.
First--safety! In cooperation with the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) West Des Moines Police Officers will be conducting extra traffic enforcement in school zones around the City during the first two weeks of school. Four additional officers will be assigned this duty to help ensure a safe transition into the school year for our youth. This is always important to us as the school year begins.
One of the exciting things we will be doing this year is facilitating a new Youth Advisory Board. This board emerged out of recommendations from the Mayor's Youth Summit we held in March. The board is comprised of 10-15 youth (we have a few spots available!) from grades 8-11 in the West Des Moines vicinity. We have representation from Stilwell, Southwoods,
Valley High School, Walnut Creek, Dowling Catholic High School, Prairieview School (in Waukee), and Sacred Heart. The board met for the first time last week and is considering some very interesting projects for this school year!
Another important way we gear up for the school year is through the School Supply Drive our Human Services department heads up annually. This year, they collected $3,339 worth of donated school supplies and $2,395.00 in actual funding. This meant they were able to assist 350 students with their back-to-school needs. It's a great way for the City, through the generosity of citizens and businesses, to make the transition and start of the school year a little easier on kids and families.
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